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Children Ministry



Every child is a precious gift from God, and has a special purpose and destiny in life. 

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

Matthew 19:14

For ethnic minorities, children are the most disadvantaged because not only do they have the burden of adapting to society, some of them come from dysfunctional and abusive situations, and they have the pressure of integrating into the Hong Kong education system. Ethnic minority children are at high risk of having emotional and learning issues and are less likely to transition successfully into the adult world.



At YWAM Shanti, we believe every child has an opportunity to have the
foundation of success in life. We provide a caring and safe environment where children are encouraged to have a better future and are empowered to overcome obstacles. We offer the following programs to children to help them succeed and importantly, experience the love of God.

Tutoring & Chinese Workshops


Access to quality education is the first essential opportunity available to children that can be built on throughout their life. We recognize that without a good education, the children are at a disadvantage.
Ethnic minority children are at a disadvantage because unlike locals, they do not speak Chinese at home and the Chinese language is compulsory in the Hong Kong education system. As most subjects are taught in Chinese, the students fall
behind and are not able to catch up.

At YWAM Shanti, we provide an afterschool tutoring program and Chinese classes. Tuesday to Friday, we have tutors to help the children with their homework and prepare for exams. On Saturdays, we have a Chinese class. The Chinese class is specially designed to cater to the specific needs of the students. We use innovative and creative ways to teach them, such as games, songs, interactive multi-media, and have personal tutors to teach them. Through the programs, we hope to enhance the children's motivation and confidence in learning and establishing a good foundation for the children to integrate into the Hong Kong education system. 

Tutoring & Chinese Workshops

Kids' Club


We are currently serving ethnic minority children from Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. Many have never heard or experienced the love of God. We are blessed to be able to share the gospel with them through fun and interactive ways. Through Kid’s Club, they can hear the good news every Saturday. We also teach them positive values, character development, and integrity through games, songs, arts and crafts, skits, and stories.

Kid's Club

Photo Gallery

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